Bug: sonar-scanner-npm CLI argument splitting problem when value contains =

I want to analyze GC logs. I’m using the sonarqube-scanner via NPM (4.2.1) and passing sonar.scanner.javaOpts. An example value is sonar.scanner.javaOpts=-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -Xlog:gc*:file=gc.log.

Unfortunately, sonar-scanner-npm splits up the CLI arguments incorrectly and has trouble when there is an additional = in the value. In debug mode (-X) the bootstrapper tells me the passed values and the one for the Java options ends up as 'sonar.scanner.javaOpts': '-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -Xlog:gc*:file'.

The problem seems to be in sonar-scanner-npm/src/properties.ts at master · SonarSource/sonar-scanner-npm · GitHub within getCommandLineProperties. Instead of doing

// Parse CLI args (eg: -Dsonar.token=xxx)
for (const arg of define) {
  const [key, value] = arg.split('=');
  properties[key] = value;

which splits the argument value further if there is a = we could do

// Parse CLI args (eg: -Dsonar.token=xxx)
for (const arg of define) {
  const [key, ...rest] = arg.split('=');
  const value = rest.join('=');  
  properties[key] = value;

which re-joins the value on =.

I have tried it locally and in that case the correct value ends up being passed to the scanner:
'sonar.scanner.javaOpts': '-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -Xlog:gc*:file=gc.log'

Hey there.

Does the issue persist with the latest version, v4.2.5?

Hi Colin, I have not tried it but the code I referenced is on master in sonar-scanner-npm so would not be fixed in 4.2.5. It has been last touched in SCANNPM-2 Sanitize input passed to child processes (#135) · SonarSource/sonar-scanner-npm@ddf9d75 · GitHub in May for the 4.0 release. Since the ticket talked about sanitizing input passed to child processes my proposed solution might not cover this sufficiently.

Using sonar.scanner.javaOpts might not be the right thing for my use case (analysing GC logs).

I found out that in my case sonar-engine is used and it does not seem to be possible in sonar-scanner-npm to pass JVM arguments to it. There is scanner-engine.ts which suggests that you can set something within scanOptions.jvmOptions but at least since the already mentioned commit (see above) commander is used for processing CLI arguments to sonar-scanner-npm and that only allows -v, -X and -D and anything from CLI never makes it into scanOptions anyway.

This might be in need of a clean-up.

Hello @efmigl ,

Indeed, it looks like any property that contains an equal sign in its value will be truncated when passed through CLI options.

A workaround would be to use the programmatic API, where you can call the method and pass the jvmOptions object which will be used.

I’ve created SCANNPM-57 that you can use to track when we fix this issue.

Hope this helps

Thanks, would you consider to support JVM options on the CLI? Because the referenced issue does not mention it.