Bitbucket Server PR Decoration with Sonarqube is not working


We were trying to configure the PR Decoration process for Bitbucket with the Sonarqube(Developer Edition V9.9) and Teamcity by referring the Sonarqube Docs.

  • Created Devops Integration configuration with Bitbucket in the Sonarqube

  • In teamcity, sonarqube scan is executed via gradle task, added required parameters and features that triggers scan when the PR is created in the bitbucket

  • In the Bitbucket Code Insights, added the required report com.sonarsource.sonarqube

When the PR is created, the teamcity build triggered but getting the following error

Report with key 'com.sonarsource.sonarqube' has not yet been created

Can you please assist me on this issue.

Please let me know for any additional info.


Hey there.

Are these values configured at the project level [docs]?

Reporting your quality gate status in manually created or existing projects

SonarQube can also report your quality gate status to Bitbucket Cloud pull requests for existing and manually-created projects. After you’ve created and installed your OAuth consumer and updated your global settings as shown in the Importing your Bitbucket Cloud repositories into SonarQube section above, set the following project settings at Project Settings > General Settings > DevOps Platform Integration:

  • Configuration name: The configuration name that corresponds to your GitHub instance.
  • Repository SLUG: The Repository SLUG is part of your Bitbucket Cloud URL. For example,<workspace>/<repository>

Yes, we configured the Devops Platform Intergration Configuration


I suggest following this user’s advice here: