BitBucket Server ,Error while fetching Sonar Projects

1) SonarQube Side: we get such info from

Administration -> Configurations->General Settings -> ALM Integrations ->BitBucket Server

As to Configuration, the Personal Access Token is created by BitBucket Administrator

For Carrera Project, we enabled “Pull Request Decoration”:

2) BitBucket Side, we can see a Sonar Add-On, and did following configurations:

If I click “Sonar Enabled” , it will complain “Error while fetching Sonar Projects”.

BitBucket Side, we can see a Sonar Add-On, and did following configurations:

If I click “Sonar Enabled” , it will complain “Error while fetching Sonar Projects”.

Hi, In your admin configuration, you need to specify the root URL of your Bitbucket Server instance, for example from what I guess in your screenshot: https://xx.xx.xx.xx:7990/

I tried your suggests, but it still failed as previously.