Bitbucket Pipeline times out

Hi, we’re experiencing a similar issue to Sonar cloud Analysis is started failing due to timeout issue - #28 by BillL on our react-acton-ui repo (times out but no errors visible on the Pipeline page). This is the initial setup for our repo but I looked at the issues page anyway and nothing’s reported there.

Can you have a look and see what advice you can offer?



Could you provide full details on your setup? E.G. is this automatic analysis or via a CI? What’s your DevOps platform? Anything else we should know?


Bitbucket Pipeline times out is the subject line here, this is via that CI. The run times out after hitting the max 130 minutes, with no other error message.



Since this is a CI analysis, can you provide the analysis log?

The analysis / scanner log is what’s output from the analysis command. Hopefully, the log you provide - redacted as necessary - will include that command as well.

This guide will help you find them.


Sorry, the linked guide page doesn’t explain clearly enough for me to understand where the log file should be. I will say that the project’s information page shows this:



Since you’re using Bitbucket (Cloud?) then your analysis logs should be a subset of the job log.


This is very new for me, I don’t know what you mean. Can you be very explicit about what I should post?


I’ve never used Bitbucket, so it’s difficult for me to tell you exactly. What you need to look for is where Bitbucket gives you the detailed, line-by-line, step-by-step status of how your build / analysis ran.


docker container run \
   --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build \
   --volume=/usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/local/bin/docker:ro \
   --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/ssh:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/ssh:ro \
   --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes \
   --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan \
   --workdir=$(pwd) \
   --label=org.bitbucket.pipelines.system=true \
   --env=CI="$CI" \
   --env=DOCKER_HOST="tcp://host.docker.internal:2375" \
   --env=BITBUCKET_PIPE_SHARED_STORAGE_DIR="/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes" \
   --env=BITBUCKET_PIPE_STORAGE_DIR="/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan" \
   --add-host="host.docker.internal:$BITBUCKET_DOCKER_HOST_INTERNAL" \
Unable to find image 'sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:1.4.0' locally
1.4.0: Pulling from sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan
743f2d6c1f65: Pulling fs layer
5c14188d0980: Pulling fs layer
84a54a21b0f2: Pulling fs layer
d9d1bc98b287: Pulling fs layer
c99e982badff: Pulling fs layer
50c6b4dfde57: Pulling fs layer
a561eaec2f8f: Pulling fs layer
ea88b09234a3: Pulling fs layer
83613aeae58d: Pulling fs layer
5d476eee175a: Pulling fs layer
3d3951d29cc9: Pulling fs layer
83613aeae58d: Waiting
5d476eee175a: Waiting
3d3951d29cc9: Waiting
50c6b4dfde57: Waiting
a561eaec2f8f: Waiting
c99e982badff: Waiting
84a54a21b0f2: Download complete
5c14188d0980: Download complete
743f2d6c1f65: Verifying Checksum
743f2d6c1f65: Download complete
d9d1bc98b287: Verifying Checksum
d9d1bc98b287: Download complete
c99e982badff: Verifying Checksum
c99e982badff: Download complete
ea88b09234a3: Verifying Checksum
ea88b09234a3: Download complete
743f2d6c1f65: Pull complete
5c14188d0980: Pull complete
84a54a21b0f2: Pull complete
d9d1bc98b287: Pull complete
83613aeae58d: Download complete
a561eaec2f8f: Verifying Checksum
a561eaec2f8f: Download complete
c99e982badff: Pull complete
50c6b4dfde57: Verifying Checksum
50c6b4dfde57: Download complete
5d476eee175a: Verifying Checksum
5d476eee175a: Download complete
3d3951d29cc9: Verifying Checksum
3d3951d29cc9: Download complete
50c6b4dfde57: Pull complete
a561eaec2f8f: Pull complete
ea88b09234a3: Pull complete
83613aeae58d: Pull complete
5d476eee175a: Pull complete
3d3951d29cc9: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:8b3690666e34b17bbab84370e569151742f06f21575fbe05e5c066c160b7c968
Status: Downloaded newer image for sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:1.4.0
INFO: Scanner configuration file: /opt/sonar-scanner/conf/
INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE
INFO: SonarScanner
INFO: Java 11.0.3 Oracle Corporation (64-bit)
INFO: Linux 3.10.0-1160.66.1.el7.x86_64 amd64
INFO: Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines detected, no host variable set. Defaulting to
INFO: User cache: /root/.sonar/cache
INFO: Scanner configuration file: /opt/sonar-scanner/conf/
INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE
INFO: Analyzing on SonarQube server
INFO: Default locale: "en", source code encoding: "UTF-8" (analysis is platform dependent)
INFO: Load global settings
INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=946ms
INFO: Server id: 1BD809FA-AWHW8ct9-T_TB3XqouNu
INFO: User cache: /root/.sonar/cache
INFO: Load/download plugins
INFO: Load plugins index
INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=917ms
INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=6662ms
INFO: Loaded core extensions: developer-scanner
INFO: Found an active CI vendor: 'Bitbucket Pipelines'
INFO: Detected project key 'act-on_react-acton-ui' from 'Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines'
INFO: Detected organization key 'act-on' from 'Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines'
INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'act-on_react-acton-ui'
INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'act-on_react-acton-ui' (done) | time=933ms
INFO: Process project properties
INFO: Execute project builders
INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=2ms
INFO: Project key: act-on_react-acton-ui
INFO: Base dir: /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build
INFO: Working dir: /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.scannerwork
INFO: Load project branches
INFO: Load project branches (done) | time=893ms
INFO: Check ALM binding of project 'act-on_react-acton-ui'
INFO: Detected project binding: BOUND
INFO: Check ALM binding of project 'act-on_react-acton-ui' (done) | time=876ms
INFO: Load project pull requests
INFO: Load project pull requests (done) | time=877ms
INFO: Load branch configuration
INFO: Detected analysis for pull request '4307' targeting 'develop'
INFO: Auto-configuring pull request 4307
INFO: Load branch configuration (done) | time=1021ms
INFO: Load quality profiles
INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=976ms
INFO: Load active rules
INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=8279ms
INFO: Organization key: act-on
INFO: Pull request 4307 for merge into develop from blazar/AO-76378
INFO: Load project repositories
INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=894ms
INFO: Indexing files...
INFO: Project configuration:
INFO:   Excluded sources: **/build-wrapper-dump.json, **/*.java, **/*.properties, **/*.css, **/*.json, **/*.d.ts, **/*.bundle.js, build/**, **/*.md, **/*.cjs, node_modules/**
INFO:   Excluded tests: **/*.spec.*
INFO:   Excluded sources for coverage: **/*.spec.?s, **/*.css, **/*.ejs.t, **/*.json, build/**, bin/*, **/*.yml, config/*, **/*.d.ts, express/**, mockService/**, public/**, sandbox/*, scripts/*, src/assets/**, src/const/*, src/cypress/**, src/env/**, src/graphql/**, src/interface/**, src/models/**, src/pages/features/**, src/store, src/tests, **/*.html, .*, **/*.sh, **/Docker*.*, **/jest*.*, **/*.properties, **/*.md, **/*.java, node_modules/**
INFO: Some of the project files were automatically excluded because they looked like generated code. Enable debug logging to see which files were excluded. You can disable bundle detection by setting sonar.javascript.detectBundles=false
INFO: 3235 files indexed
INFO: 123801 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns
INFO: Quality profile for js: Sonar way
INFO: Quality profile for jsp: Sonar way
INFO: Quality profile for ts: Sonar way
INFO: Quality profile for web: Sonar way


Thanks. That’s what I was looking for. To be explicit: you’ve given me everything? The log just ends there? Where/how do you get the timeout message?


See the top left of this image.


Thanks for this. One more question: that screenshot says “25 days ago”. You’re still experiencing the problem, right?


I haven’t had a reason to run it again but I have no reason to believe today would give a different result. Rerunning it now but what would you recommend if it times out again?


If the problem is still happening, then I’ll flag this for team attention.


Running again I get this (different) failure:

Cache "sonar": Downloading
Cache "sonar": Not found

Images used:
    build: node@sha256:9dc0768a629514929e03b3289a8164ca03393ea9e21129524b384babe8657858
    docker: docker@sha256:4d52b157278521b647847b1f573d67b6b1858535f04414cd8b5f492fc31ec677

+ docker container run \
   --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build \
   --volume=/usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/local/bin/docker:ro \
   --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/ssh:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/ssh:ro \
   --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes \
   --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan \
   --workdir=$(pwd) \
   --label=org.bitbucket.pipelines.system=true \
   --env=CI="$CI" \
   --env=DOCKER_HOST="tcp://host.docker.internal:2375" \
   --env=BITBUCKET_PIPE_SHARED_STORAGE_DIR="/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes" \
   --env=BITBUCKET_PIPE_STORAGE_DIR="/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan" \
   --add-host="host.docker.internal:$BITBUCKET_DOCKER_HOST_INTERNAL" \
Unable to find image 'sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:1.4.0' locally
1.4.0: Pulling from sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan
743f2d6c1f65: Pulling fs layer
5c14188d0980: Pulling fs layer
84a54a21b0f2: Pulling fs layer
d9d1bc98b287: Pulling fs layer
c99e982badff: Pulling fs layer
50c6b4dfde57: Pulling fs layer
a561eaec2f8f: Pulling fs layer
ea88b09234a3: Pulling fs layer
83613aeae58d: Pulling fs layer
d9d1bc98b287: Waiting
5d476eee175a: Pulling fs layer
3d3951d29cc9: Pulling fs layer
ea88b09234a3: Waiting
83613aeae58d: Waiting
c99e982badff: Waiting
50c6b4dfde57: Waiting
5d476eee175a: Waiting
a561eaec2f8f: Waiting
3d3951d29cc9: Waiting
84a54a21b0f2: Verifying Checksum
84a54a21b0f2: Download complete
743f2d6c1f65: Verifying Checksum
743f2d6c1f65: Download complete
5c14188d0980: Verifying Checksum
5c14188d0980: Download complete
d9d1bc98b287: Verifying Checksum
d9d1bc98b287: Download complete
c99e982badff: Download complete
ea88b09234a3: Verifying Checksum
ea88b09234a3: Download complete
743f2d6c1f65: Pull complete
50c6b4dfde57: Verifying Checksum
50c6b4dfde57: Download complete
a561eaec2f8f: Verifying Checksum
a561eaec2f8f: Download complete
5c14188d0980: Pull complete
5d476eee175a: Verifying Checksum
5d476eee175a: Download complete
84a54a21b0f2: Pull complete
3d3951d29cc9: Verifying Checksum
3d3951d29cc9: Download complete
83613aeae58d: Verifying Checksum
83613aeae58d: Download complete
d9d1bc98b287: Pull complete
c99e982badff: Pull complete
50c6b4dfde57: Pull complete
a561eaec2f8f: Pull complete
ea88b09234a3: Pull complete
83613aeae58d: Pull complete
5d476eee175a: Pull complete
3d3951d29cc9: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:8b3690666e34b17bbab84370e569151742f06f21575fbe05e5c066c160b7c968
Status: Downloaded newer image for sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:1.4.0
INFO: Scanner configuration file: /opt/sonar-scanner/conf/
INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE
INFO: SonarScanner
INFO: Java 11.0.3 Oracle Corporation (64-bit)
INFO: Linux 3.10.0-1160.66.1.el7.x86_64 amd64
INFO: Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines detected, no host variable set. Defaulting to
INFO: User cache: /root/.sonar/cache
INFO: Scanner configuration file: /opt/sonar-scanner/conf/
INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE
INFO: Analyzing on SonarQube server
INFO: Default locale: "en", source code encoding: "UTF-8" (analysis is platform dependent)
INFO: Load global settings
INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=937ms
INFO: Server id: 1BD809FA-AWHW8ct9-T_TB3XqouNu
INFO: User cache: /root/.sonar/cache
INFO: Load/download plugins
INFO: Load plugins index
INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=1067ms
INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=5206ms
INFO: Loaded core extensions: developer-scanner
INFO: Found an active CI vendor: 'Bitbucket Pipelines'
INFO: Detected project key 'act-on_react-acton-ui' from 'Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines'
INFO: Detected organization key 'act-on' from 'Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines'
INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'act-on_react-acton-ui'
INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'act-on_react-acton-ui' (done) | time=870ms
INFO: Process project properties
INFO: Execute project builders
INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=2ms
INFO: Project key: act-on_react-acton-ui
INFO: Base dir: /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build
INFO: Working dir: /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.scannerwork
INFO: Load project branches
INFO: Load project branches (done) | time=886ms
INFO: Check ALM binding of project 'act-on_react-acton-ui'
INFO: Detected project binding: BOUND
INFO: Check ALM binding of project 'act-on_react-acton-ui' (done) | time=857ms
INFO: Load project pull requests
INFO: Load project pull requests (done) | time=900ms
INFO: Load branch configuration
INFO: Detected analysis for pull request '4307' targeting 'develop'
INFO: Auto-configuring pull request 4307
INFO: Load branch configuration (done) | time=1010ms
INFO: Load quality profiles
INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=932ms
INFO: Load active rules
INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=8688ms
INFO: Organization key: act-on
INFO: Pull request 4307 for merge into develop from blazar/AO-76378
INFO: Load project repositories
INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=880ms
INFO: Indexing files...
INFO: Project configuration:
INFO:   Excluded sources: **/build-wrapper-dump.json, **/*.java, **/*.properties, **/*.css, **/*.json, **/*.d.ts, **/*.bundle.js, build/**, **/*.md, **/*.cjs, node_modules/**
INFO:   Excluded tests: **/*.spec.*
INFO:   Excluded sources for coverage: **/*.spec.?s, **/*.css, **/*.ejs.t, **/*.json, build/**, bin/*, **/*.yml, config/*, **/*.d.ts, express/**, mockService/**, public/**, sandbox/*, scripts/*, src/assets/**, src/const/*, src/cypress/**, src/env/**, src/graphql/**, src/interface/**, src/models/**, src/pages/features/**, src/store, src/tests, **/*.html, .*, **/*.sh, **/Docker*.*, **/jest*.*, **/*.properties, **/*.md, **/*.java, node_modules/**
INFO: Some of the project files were automatically excluded because they looked like generated code. Enable debug logging to see which files were excluded. You can disable bundle detection by setting sonar.javascript.detectBundles=false
INFO: 3235 files indexed
INFO: 60828 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns
INFO: Quality profile for js: Sonar way
INFO: Quality profile for jsp: Sonar way
INFO: Quality profile for ts: Sonar way
INFO: Quality profile for web: Sonar way
INFO: Quality profile for xml: Sonar way
INFO: Quality profile for yaml: Sonar way
INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module act-on_react-acton-ui
INFO: Load metrics repository
INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=855ms
INFO: Sensor cache enabled
INFO: Load sensor cache
INFO: Load sensor cache (404) | time=763ms
INFO: Sensor IaC CloudFormation Sensor [iac]
INFO: 0 source files to be analyzed
INFO: 0/0 source files have been analyzed
INFO: Sensor IaC CloudFormation Sensor [iac] (done) | time=73ms
INFO: Sensor IaC Kubernetes Sensor [iac]
INFO: 0 source files to be analyzed
INFO: 0/0 source files have been analyzed
INFO: Sensor IaC Kubernetes Sensor [iac] (done) | time=11ms
INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp]
INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] (done) | time=4ms
INFO: Sensor C# Analysis Log [csharp]
INFO: Sensor C# Analysis Log [csharp] (done) | time=76ms
INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp]
INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=1ms
INFO: Sensor HTML [web]
INFO: Sensor HTML is restricted to changed files only
INFO: Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=239ms
INFO: Sensor XML Sensor [xml]
INFO: Sensor XML Sensor is restricted to changed files only
INFO: 2 source files to be analyzed
INFO: 2/2 source files have been analyzed
INFO: Sensor XML Sensor [xml] (done) | time=429ms
INFO: Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor [text]
INFO: Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor is restricted to changed files only
WARN: Invalid character encountered in file /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/bin/chromedriver at line 1 for encoding UTF-8. Please fix file content or configure the encoding to be used using property 'sonar.sourceEncoding'.
INFO: 3004 source files to be analyzed
INFO: 3004/3004 source files have been analyzed
INFO: Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor [text] (done) | time=5567ms
INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet]
INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] (done) | time=4ms
INFO: Sensor VB.NET Analysis Log [vbnet]
INFO: Sensor VB.NET Analysis Log [vbnet] (done) | time=19ms
INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet]
INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms
INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco]
INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml
INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer
INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=2ms
INFO: Sensor JavaScript analysis [javascript]
INFO: 83 source files to be analyzed
time="2023-02-28T18:37:30Z" level=error msg="error waiting for container: unexpected EOF"
Skipping cache upload for failed step
Searching for files matching artifact pattern .bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/**
Artifact pattern .bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/** matched 1 files with a total size of 6.2 KiB
Compressed files matching artifact pattern .bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/** to 2 KiB in 1 seconds
Uploading artifact of 2 KiB
Successfully uploaded artifact in 0 seconds

Searching for test report files in directories named [test-reports, TestResults, test-results, surefire-reports, failsafe-reports] down to a depth of 4
Finished scanning for test reports. Found 0 test report files.
Merged test suites, total number tests is 0, with 0 failures and 0 errors.


I read this as a timeout too. But it looks to me like it’s timing out on the Bitbucket side. I.E. that BB gets tired of waiting (“error waiting for container”) and kills the job. Googling gets me a couple different tickets on their side (1) (2) about a 2h job limit, but from your log, it shouldn’t have taken two hours to get as far as your analysis got before it was killed. In fact, that should have only been a few minutes in, right?

I’m also seeing that there’s a limit on the number of build agent minutes…?


It did not take two hours, lol. But otherwise I’m not sure how to respond or take further action.


From what I can tell, this is on the BB side, but I’m calling in a 2nd pair of eyes.



Any more help here? Just reran and getting Docker out of memory errors almost immediately.