Bitbucket Cloud Integration | 429 - Rate limit for this resource has been exceeded

I have set up SonarQube verson 9.9.2 developer edition with docker.
Currently I am trying to integrate Sonarqube with my Bitbucket Cloud. I have been able to set up integration. But while doing so I am very frequently facing below error:

2023.10.16 03:59:17 INFO web[AYsncHCkIOWXuFVMAEwX][o.s.a.c.b.b.BitbucketCloudRestClient] Bitbucket Cloud API call to [] failed with429 http code. Bitbucket Cloud response content : [Rate limit for this resource has been exceeded]

We are not hitting API by any other source. I am not able to configure all repos imported due to this issue. It is very frequent,
Anyone else has faced this issue? or can suggest a solution?

Hey there.

That’s odd, and not common. Request limits would only limit you going above 1,000 requests an hour?

How many repos would you say your Bitbucket Cloud workspace has overall?

hi @Colin
I was sharing user with Jenkins and Sonarqube. To resolve this I created a new user for Sonarqube.

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Thanks for the follow-up! That’s great for us to know. We’ll consider documenting this (that to avoid rate limits on Bitbucket Cloud integration, use a dedicated user for the integration).

Good idea to include in documentation.
Just to clarify. I was using different APP Passwords but same bitbucket user for both jenkins and sonarqube which was causing this issue of rate limits. I figured later that different APP password is still same user. So created a seperate bitbucket user for using in Sonar and then created APP password using this new bitbucket user.

Thanks, @ld_singh. We appreciate your feedback on this!

I added a ticket on this to the Docs backlog and linked it to some other work we need to do on the Bitbucket page.