I have set up SonarQube verson 9.9.2 developer edition with docker.
Currently I am trying to integrate Sonarqube with my Bitbucket Cloud. I have been able to set up integration. But while doing so I am very frequently facing below error:
2023.10.16 03:59:17 INFO web[AYsncHCkIOWXuFVMAEwX][o.s.a.c.b.b.BitbucketCloudRestClient] Bitbucket Cloud API call to [https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/xxxxxxx] failed with429 http code. Bitbucket Cloud response content : [Rate limit for this resource has been exceeded]
We are not hitting API by any other source. I am not able to configure all repos imported due to this issue. It is very frequent,
Anyone else has faced this issue? or can suggest a solution?
Thanks for the follow-up! That’s great for us to know. We’ll consider documenting this (that to avoid rate limits on Bitbucket Cloud integration, use a dedicated user for the integration).
Good idea to include in documentation.
Just to clarify. I was using different APP Passwords but same bitbucket user for both jenkins and sonarqube which was causing this issue of rate limits. I figured later that different APP password is still same user. So created a seperate bitbucket user for using in Sonar and then created APP password using this new bitbucket user.