Azure SQL ActiveDirectoryManagedIdentity authentication Linux & Sonar 10.5

Hi all

I try to setup sonarqube 10.5-enterprise on a linux vm to connect with an azure sql base using entra-id authentication with a user managed identity. I deploy via Helm.

My connection string:


I receive the following error when I start sonarqube:

Caused by: Failed to load MSAL4J Java library for performing ActiveDirectoryManagedIdentity authentication.

I’m aware that the official documentation provides a solution, but that only applies for windows.
I’ve gone through other similar threads, but they don’t work for me as I use a different sonarqube version (topic 1, topic 2)

Which mssql-jdbc driver should be used in sonarqube 10.5 to achieve ActiveDirectoryManagedIdentity?

Best Regards

Hey there.

This is not something that we support out of the box today. [SONAR-21771] - Jira

I’ve reopened the other thread if you’d like to ping the user about what they had to do to make it work.

However, we have not tested any of this ourselves, hence the open ticket.

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