There is no report-task.txt in our git repository.
Ignore issue #2, we realised PRs were not being decorated on those affected by this specific failing build only. As we have multiple build definitions for a single repo, if any of the successful builds were associated with the PR it would be decorated.
- For other succeeding build definitions, results are sent to SonarCloud fine. Likewise for the failing build definition, results are being posted to SonarCloud and we can see them in the “Background Tasks” section as “passed”. However the build still fails on the Publish Quality Gate Result task with the error:
[SQ] API GET ‘/api/ce/task’ failed, status code was: 404
[SQ] Could not fetch task for ID ‘AWdaq41jza0Kta76fCiN’
[SQ] API GET ‘/api/ce/task’ failed, status code was: 404
Some things we have noticed this time round. In the Background Tasks section of SC, there is one warning for the results:
The Data Dictionary is not configured which prevents rule(s) S3641, S3921, S3618, S3651 to raise issues. See
Also, the ID is AWtQRzjw2sGXc1hK8Q4p which does not match the ID in the error above. Is this the cause?
@simon.brandhof I have emailed logs and suspected issue. Please let me know if they do not arrive.
From the logs you provided, it appears that a report-task.txt is effectively present in one of your npm package (ui tools). As it’s created by an analysis, it might have been mistakenly packaged during a build, that’s the reason why you don’t see it in your git repo.
However, i don’t know yet the reason while it’s failing since a couple a weeks.
Could you please double check that and let us know ?
I have just downloaded the raw package and can confirm that the .scannerwork folder and included report-task.txt are in the published package.
However this package version was published 28th November 2018, so it has worked fine since then.
We can try and exclude the sonarcloud files and republish, but this seems like an unnecessary hoop for every npm package to have to do given that it previously did not cause any issues.
This is very unfortunate, just because the background tasks older than 6 months are purged automatically , that’s the reason why is was not found since, i guess, the 28th of May
We have excluded the generated files from the package and updated the failing repository. All is good again.
Thanks for your help.