Azure DevOps SonarCloud task scanner ignores manual configuration

  • versions used: SonarCloud, standalone scanner, typescript plugin
  • error observed: scanner ignores the manual configuration and falls back to the
  • steps to reproduce: none
  • potential workaround: none found


Using AzureDevOps with SonarCloud tasks, I have a typescript project with a modules structure:

|-- Tasks
|   |-- Task1
|   |   |-- <source files>
|   |   `--
|   |-- Task2
|   |   |-- <source files>
|   |   `--
|   `-- Task3
|       |-- <source files>
|       `--
|-- Tests

I have 2 build pipelines. The first one compiles, tests and analyzes coverage for all tasks (modules).
Using the SonarCloudPrepare task with this configuration, it works well

# prepare Sonarcloud analysis
- task: SonarCloudPrepare@1
  displayName: Prepare analysis
    SonarCloud: 'SonarCloud Endpoint'
    organization: my-org
    scannerMode: CLI
    configFile: './'

The second build pipeline is used for a specific task and it compiles, tests and analyzes coverage for a single task or module (short-live branch where the branch is named after the module, i.e. feature/TaskName)
I don’t want to rely on the file so I switch to manual configuration:

# prepare Sonarcloud analysis
- task: SonarCloudPrepare@1
  displayName: Prepare analysis on SonarCloud
    SonarCloud: 'SonarCloud Endpoint'
    organization: my-org
    scannerMode: CLI
    configMode: manual
    cliProjectKey: vso.tasks
    cliProjectName: vso.tasks
    extraProperties: 'sonar.projectBaseDir=Tasks/Task3'

and it fails miserably, ignoring my manual config:

INFO: Scanner configuration file: /home/adminuser/agent03/_work/_tasks/SonarCloudAnalyze_ce096e50-6155-4de8-8800-4221aaeed4a1/1.5.1/sonar-scanner/conf/
Project root configuration file: /home/adminuser/agent03/_work/8/s/
INFO: SonarQube Scanner

“But it works on my machine” and that’s (almost) true. After installing the scanner on my machine and running it from the command line C:\vso-tasks>W:\sonarscanner\bin\sonar-scanner.bat -Dsonar.projectKey=vso.tasks -Dsonar.projectBaseDir=C:\vso-tasks\Tasks\Task3 -Dsonar.sources=., the scanner uses the command line parameters and does not rely on my root file:

INFO: Scanner configuration file: W:\sonarscanner\bin\..\conf\
INFO: Project root configuration file: C:\Tasks\Task3\
INFO: SonarQube Scanner

I tried all possible combinations with the extraProperties but I still can’t find why the scanner ignores the sonar.projectBaseDir parameter.


I wonder if this could be an issue with the resolution of the property sonar.projectBaseDir=Tasks/Task3. Can you try to provide it as an absolute path, using for example sonar.projectBaseDir=$(Agent.BuildDirectory)/Tasks/Task3?

Hi Julien,

Thanks for your answer.
I dit not use the Agent.BuildDirectory variable because it does not contain the source folder, as described in the documentation.
However, I also tried the Build.SourcesDirectory variable, without success.