Azure DevOps SonarCloud File Question

Currently leveraging SonarCloud with Azure DevOps yaml pipelines. Have a question concerning .sqAnalysis/ folder/file which gets generated and output to Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory. I understand this md file is generated to be published to the pipeline to display the quality gate status.

Is there a way to change where this folder is generated? I haven’t been able to find a parameter for the SonarCloudPrepare@1 task, and the Analyze and Publish tasks don’t seem relevant to this.


You mentioned your CI, but not your scanner. is available for this, but not compatible with the SonarScanner for .NET.


Thanks, yeah we are using csharp/.net. So the sonarprepare task is using the MSBuild parameter.


Then you won’t be able to re-route the creation of this directory. Do you mind sharing why you want to?


Sure, the .sqAnalysis directory in the ArtifactStaging directory has a habit of making its way into published artifacts unless we explicitly work to have it excluded in the archival/publish process.

Its not a big deal, just an annoyance I was hoping i could mitigate by changing the output to Agent.TempDirectory or somewhere else.

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Thanks for sharing. I’ll make sure that gets passed on internally.


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