Azure DevOps SonarCloud: Run Code Analysis doesn't complete

The build agent gets stuck on “Run Code Analysis”.

  • Win version: 10.0.19042
  • Node version: 14.15.1
  • Java version: 16.0.1
  • ALM used: Bitbucket Cloud
  • CI system used: Azure DevOps
  • Languages of the repository: JS
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper]   File name: 'C:\azp\agent\externals\node\bin\node.exe'
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper]   Arguments: '"C:\azp\agent\_work\_tasks\SonarCloudAnalyze_XXXXXXXXXXXX\1.21.0\analyze.js"'
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper]   Working directory: 'C:\azp\agent\_work\1\s'
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper]   Require exit code zero: 'True'
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper]   Encoding web name: utf-8 ; code page: '65001'
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper]   Force kill process on cancellation: 'False'
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper]   Redirected STDIN: 'False'
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper]   Persist current code page: 'True'
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper]   Keep redirected STDIN open: 'False'
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper]   High priority process: 'False'
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper] OOM score adjustment is Linux-only.
[2021-04-22 19:39:03Z INFO ProcessInvokerWrapper] Process started with process id 30668, waiting for process exit.


"inputs": {
        "SonarCloud": "**********",
        "organization": "**********",
        "scannerMode": "CLI",
        "configMode": "manual",
        "configFile": "",
        "cliProjectKey": "**********",
        "projectKey": "",
        "cliProjectName": "**********",
        "projectName": "",
        "cliProjectVersion": "1.0",
        "projectVersion": "1.0",
        "cliSources": ".",
        "extraProperties": "# Additional properties that will be passed to the scanner, \n# Put one key=value per line, example:\n# sonar.exclusions=**/*.bin"

Hi @v_s and welcome to our Community. Could you please provide the full logs and/or the analysis id (if you have it)?

Hey @Alexandre_Holzhey

I can also add, I’ve tried downgrading java to 15 and 11.

Is this it? If not, where do I actually find it?

Congrats,1 year at sonar! :smiley:

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Thanks @v_s !!! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately this is not the analysis id. Can you send me the full logs instead? If you want to do it privately, please tell me then i open a private message.

@Alexandre_Holzhey Sure let’s do private message.

I solved my problem, it was a combination of multiple things. Java heap issues, incorrect gMSA config, MSDTC & lsass.exe (with netlogon.DLL) acting up.

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