Azure Devops Code Analysis step error

I’m trying to integrate Sonar in our Azure Devops builds. I installed the extension and added the three steps as described in the docs. The scanner does it thing as it looks like, but ends with the following error (full log attached) 16.txt (23.5 KB)

##[error]ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution

ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution

##[error]ERROR: main component does not belong to specified organization


ERROR: main component does not belong to specified organization


##[error]The SonarQube Scanner did not complete successfully

The SonarQube Scanner did not complete successfully

##[error]12:16:01.528 Post-processing failed. Exit code: 1

12:16:01.528 Post-processing failed. Exit code: 1

##[error]d:\a\_tasks\SonarQubePrepare_15b84ca1-b62f-4a2a-a403-89b77a063157\4.6.1\classic-sonar-scanner-msbuild\SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe failed with return code: 1

##[section]Finishing: Run Code Analysis

Ok, figured out the reason: don’t use the SonarQube extension when you target SonarCloud :wink: