Azure Devops Code Analysis fails to convert .coverage to xml


When running code analysis in Azure DevOps we receive the following error when ran on Microsoft-hosted agents:

##[error]Execution failed. The specified executable does not exist: C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\VsTest\16.8.0\x64
Failed to convert the downloaded code coverage tool to XML. No code coverage information will be uploaded to SonarQube.
Execution failed. The specified executable does not exist: C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\VsTest\16.8.0\x64
Failed to convert the downloaded code coverage tool to XML. No code coverage information will be uploaded to SonarQube.

Version information:

Task: Run Code Analysis
Version: 1.18.0

The effect is that we don’t have code coverage results in SonarCloud. Everything else seems to work perfectly.

It seems that in version 1.17.0 this has worked fine when checking previous runs. Broken since last friday ~9.00 AM CET.


We are experiencing the same issue. Code coverage won’t upload to SonarCloud. This blocks our PR as we are using gate from SonarCloud.

same!!! here!

Also getting this error in 1.18.0

One of our projects is also experiencing this issue in 7.9 Sonarqube

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The same error on our pipelines … nice that the VisualStudioTestPlatformInstaller can be used now, but it looks like there is some breaking changes …

Hi there,

Sorry for the late reply. I’m on it right now.


can you tell us a delivery time? it’s blocking PRs in our teams.

Hopefully by the end of the day, GMT time.


Hi again,

The extensions are being release right now, you should benefit and test if it’s ok on your side in a few minutes.

Let me know.

Thank you and sorry for the incovenience.



We can see the code coverage again. Issue is now fixed :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Confirmed working … thanks

Confirmed here too. Fixed with 4,17,0 version.
Downloading task: SonarQubePrepare (4.17.0)
Downloading task: VSTest (2.170.1)
Downloading task: SonarQubeAnalyze (4.17.0)
Downloading task: SonarQubePublish (4.8.1)

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