Automating the sonarqube analysis trigger

Hi Everyone,
I am using sonarqube 6.7 , developer’s version and I run analysis through sonar scanner msbuild from my local machine . Is there any way to :
1 ) Trigger this analysis automatically without using sonar scanner , on code check-in ?
2 ) Can I get analysis report in mail ?
What do I have to do for each of these ?
Thanks in Advance!


SonarQube is really intended to be a centralized team resource. As such, analysis should be run from your CI system, which can be set up to detect new commits and run analysis automatically.

Regarding emails, you can choose to subscribe to specific Quality Gate and Issues notifications, but there is no general analysis overview notification.


Hi Ann,
I read the documentation on integrating sonarqube with vsts build definition.
Just want to know if there’s any specific sonarqube version required for this ?
As currently we are having sonarqube 6.7 and 6.1 , will these both suffice?