AppID for Sonar Github App


I’m trying to update this app to be a required check via the github api, but I’m require to specify the appid. How would I find that for this ?



The docs should help.


@ganncamp This doc is not what I’m looking for. We’ve set everything up for scanning Github repositories in our CI/CD. I want to be able to make the sonar scan a required check using this api. That would require an github appid related to this app


What’s your CI engine?


I’m using github actions but that might not be relevant. My question is more around how to use github’s api to set Sonarcloud’s github app as a required check for branch protection. In order to do that, it looks like I need the appid so that when I set Sonarcloud’s github app as a required check, github knows exactly which app to look for.


From what I’m seeing in the GitHub docs, this looks like a UI operation, not an API operation. It looks like you set up the SonarCloud check and then you can create a branch protection rule with it.
