Hey folks,
It’s been a long time coming, but, finally, you can use the Scanner for .NET v7 without having to install a JRE!
Yes, you read that right.
To be perfectly clear, we still need a JRE under the hood, but we will now automatically provision and cache it from the server (SonarQube 10.6+ or SonarCloud) by default so you don’t have to.
Of course, you can indicate that your machine already has a suitable JRE available. This is advisable for performance reasons if you maintain your own agent and you can preinstall Java on it, or if the image you use already contains a suitable JRE (AZDO Microsoft base images do, for example). Please refer to the JRE auto-provisoning documentation for more information.
A couple of properties have also been added, so please refer to the analysis parameters documentation.
You can install it as usual, from Nuget, Chocolatey, or direct download. In a couple of days, the Azure DevOps extensions will be updated to use this version as the default.
Now go clean some (.NET) code!