Analysis failing due to authentication error

Using version: 10.0 (build 68432)
Deployed via: ZIP
What have I tried: Run analysis on project using the manual execution method on a maven project using a token, as well as providing sonar.login and sonar.password.

The problem is that the analysis fails with an “Analyzing this project requires authentication. Please provide a user token in sonar.token or other credentials in sonar.login and sonar.password.” error

I have been trying to manually execute an analysis from the project folder using the following command:

mvn clean verify sonar:sonar -X -Dsonar.projectKey=client_AYe4pujWfo7Lxo2413cb -Dsonar.projectName=‘client’ -Dsonar.token=sqp_d4900ead3dc200eeefc0218f6706ef7fcb15203d -Pjar-no-docker

I have set the permission for both admins and users to execute analysis as follows:

I have uploaded the output logs as requested by @ganncamp in output.txt

output.txt (6.3 MB)

Thank you, any help would be appreciated!

Hey there.

I get the impression that Maven is having a hard time interpolating the analysis parameters.

[DEBUG] === REACTOR BUILD PLAN ================================================
[DEBUG] Project: [hidden]:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[DEBUG] Tasks:   [clean, verify]
[DEBUG] Style:   Regular
[DEBUG] -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[DEBUG] Project: [hidden]:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[DEBUG] Tasks:   [sonar:sonar]
[DEBUG] Style:   Aggregating
[DEBUG] -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[DEBUG] Project: [hidden]:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[DEBUG] Tasks:   [.projectKey=client_AYe4pujWfo7Lxo2413cb, .projectName=client, .token=sqp_d4900ead3dc200eeefc0218f6706ef7fcb15203d]
[DEBUG] Style:   Regular
[DEBUG] =======================================================================

This doesn’t show up on my maven runs, copying your parameters exactly.

[DEBUG] === REACTOR BUILD PLAN ================================================
[DEBUG] Project: org.sonarqube:sonarscanner-maven-basic:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
[DEBUG] Tasks:   [clean, verify]
[DEBUG] Style:   Regular
[DEBUG] -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[DEBUG] Project: org.sonarqube:sonarscanner-maven-basic:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
[DEBUG] Tasks:   [sonar:sonar]
[DEBUG] Style:   Aggregating
[DEBUG] =======================================================================

Any idea what’s going on with that?