Analyser C# not Working

yes, I have a lot of * .targets file.
In particular one concerning my target project:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> $(MSBuildAllProjects);$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath)

and more :slight_smile:

Thanks for the detailed logs.

According to the logs, the Sonar analyzers are being removed by the standard Microsoft target DisableAnalyzers. My guess is that you are setting RunAnalyzersDuringBuild or RunAnalyzers to false somewhere in your project/target files.

Try adding /p:RunAnalyzersDuringBuild=true is the MSBuild Arguments section of the Azure DevOps build step.


I love you :slight_smile:
It work .



FYI there’s a ticket in the scanner backlog (#829) to look at handling this situation automatically.

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