- which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension) ==> 10.6
- how is SonarQube deployed: zip, Docker, Helm ==> Helm
- what are you trying to achieve ==> After upgrade Sonarqube 10.6 when running the jobs we are failing with errors
After upgraded the Sonarqueb 10.6 , we are failing with errors in the pipelines like ERROR] Bootstrapper: An error occurred: Error: Checksum verification failed for /root/.sonar/cache/bcb1b7b8ad68c93093f09b591b7cb17161d39891f7d29d33a586f5a328603707/OpenJDK17U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_17.0.11_9.tar.gz. Expected checksum bcb1b7b8ad68c93093f09b591b7cb17161d39891f7d29d33a586f5a328603707 but got d56a1a1e6ced7680e9a83b258991c2e74a683543759a04c5f4a1c341da14a401
Any idea how to resolve the issues ? Does any one faced this type of issue ?
11:27:37 + sonar-scanner -Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarqube.com -Dsonar.login=****** -Dsonar.projectVersion=feat/DARWSC2-71489-5475-next -Dsonar.pullrequest.key=335983186 -Dsonar.pullrequest.branch=feat/DARWSC2-71489 -Dsonar.pullrequest.base=master
11:27:38 [WARN] Bootstrapper: SONARQUBE_SCANNER_PARAMS is deprecated, please use SONAR_SCANNER_JSON_PARAMS instead
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: Retrieving info from "package.json" file
11:27:38 [WARN] Bootstrapper: Property "sonar.login" is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use "sonar.token" instead.
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: Platform: linux x64
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: Server URL: https://sonarqube.com
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: Version: 4.2.5
11:27:38 + sonar-scanner -Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarqube.com -Dsonar.login=****** -Dsonar.projectVersion=feat/DARWSC2-5-next -Dsonar.pullrequest.key=335983186 -Dsonar.pullrequest.branch=feat/DARWSC2-71489 -Dsonar.pullrequest.base=master
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: SonarQube server version: 10.6.0
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: JRE provisioning is supported
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: No Cache found for JRE
11:27:38 [WARN] Bootstrapper: SONARQUBE_SCANNER_PARAMS is deprecated, please use SONAR_SCANNER_JSON_PARAMS instead
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: Unable to read "package.json" file
11:27:38 [WARN] Bootstrapper: Property "sonar.login" is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use "sonar.token" instead.
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: Platform: linux x64
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: Server URL: https://sonarqube.com
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: Version: 4.2.5
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: SonarQube server version: 10.6.0
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: JRE provisioning is supported
11:27:38 [INFO] Bootstrapper: Download starting...
11:27:38 [ERROR] Bootstrapper: An error occurred: Error: Checksum verification failed for /root/.sonar/cache/bcb1b7b8ad68c93093f09b591b7cb17161d39891f7d29d33a586f5a328603707/OpenJDK17U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_17.0.11_9.tar.gz. Expected checksum bcb1b7b8ad68c93093f09b591b7cb17161d39891f7d29d33a586f5a328603707 but got d56a1a1e6ced7680e9a83b258991c2e74a683543759a04c5f4a1c341da14a401
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
11:27:39 WARN: Unable to locate 'report-task.txt' in the workspace. Did the SonarScanner succeed?
[Pipeline] // withSonarQubeEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
11:27:40 Failed in branch sonarScan2
11:27:42 [INFO] Bootstrapper: Download complete
11:27:42 [INFO] Bootstrapper: Downloaded JRE to /root/.sonar/cache/bcb1b7b8ad68c93093f09b591b7cb17161d39891f7d29d33a586f5a328603707/OpenJDK17U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_17.0.11_9.tar.gz
11:27:42 [ERROR] Bootstrapper: An error occurred: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/root/.sonar/cache/bcb1b7b8ad68c93093f09b591b7cb17161d39891f7d29d33a586f5a328603707/OpenJDK17U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_17.0.11_9.tar.gz'
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
11:27:43 WARN: Unable to locate 'report-task.txt' in the workspace. Did the SonarScanner succeed?
[Pipeline] // withSonarQubeEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
11:27:43 Failed in branch sonarScan1
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] updateGitlabCommitStatus
[Pipeline] echo
11:27:45 exception thrown is hudson.AbortException: script returned exit code 1
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] echo
11:27:45 SUCCESSFUL: Job 'parts/fe-parts [45488]' (https://jenkins.tools.parts.xxx.com/job/parts/job/fe-parts/45488/)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] echo
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: FAILURE