After a CLion Uptate the SonarLint Plugin is not working anymore with WSL as toolchain

Please provide

  • Operating system: Windos. 10

  • SonarLint plugin version:

  • IntelliJ version: CLion 2024.1.4

  • Programming language you’re coding in: C++

  • Is connected mode used:

    • Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version): SonarQube

And a thorough description of the problem / question:

I updated CLion from the Version 2023.x to the latest one (2024.1.4).
And now the SonarLint Plugin is not working anymore, when I want to use the WSL as toolchain.
I get the error message: “Could not support remote or WSL toolchain” and “Analysis skipped as the engine is not ready yet”

PS: The SonarLint Plugin is working with another Toolchain (GNU Toolchain / MinGW).

Hello @ToWeShs, and thank you for your feedback.

We created this bug ticket to address the issue of the WSL/remote toolchain not working on CLion 2024.1+. Sorry for the inconvenience.