Advice sought for using Organizations going forward

Given the nature of how my development teams work, and to mirror the use of organizations in Github Enterprise, we’ve been using SQ community for some time with the (undocumented, and unsupported) organizations feature.

While this has worked great for us, on a recent upgrade from SonarQube Community 6.4, to SonarQube Community 6.7.5, the UI methods for creating, and adding members to, and organization have been removed. While we can write scripts that can mimic this by generating the appropriate MySQL queries, this feels risky.

Therefore I am seeking advice on the best path forward. Are their options for

  • Enabling the missing APIs for, for example, /api/organizations/create, on my local install?
  • Removing/unraveling the use of organizations - in which case what’s the recommend way for restricting control of subsets of the projects to lead developers on this projects?
  • Other options?

This, for me, is an incredibly powerful feature that I’d love to continue to use if possible.


Hi Mark,

You’ve unfortunately used an internal feature that was not designed to be used.
It’s then impossible for me to provide you any guidance as there’s no way to disable it.

If you really want to use Organizations, I highly recommend you to use, on which organizations are available.

Julien Lancelot

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That is not feasible, as my company does not support putting our source code onto an external cloud platform.

If organizations became a feature of Developer or Enterprise edition, that would become a worthwhile upgrade for us btw

@julienlancelot a quick question then - if we span up a new instance of the same version/configuration EXCEPT for Organizations not enabled, would we be able to “Project Move” the projects in order to get to a normal state?


There’s no “Project Move” feature in the community edition.

You can either :

  • Start from scratch
  • Upgrade to the commercial Enterprise Edition and
    use the Project “Export/Import” feature.

Julien Lancelot

@julienlancelot Any issues if they upgrade to a commercial edition and export from an instance with organisations enabled?

That’s a good point @Colin, I’m not sure it will work indeed…