Accessing issues through Api


I am using SQ-6.7. When i am trying to access issues through api then it doesn’t contains the values of the issues like the values which is the issue.
For example: String a= “abc”; // sonarqube raised the issue because of “abc” value then i want to access this value with other details through api call but currently api call is not giving the exact value which is raising the issue but some hash key or some key when i am giving this api call.


We don’t store the error value, on a message (which may or may not contain that value) giving advice on how to resolve the issue.


Hi Ann,

That means we can’t find out the values even from the database? My scenario is that i want to get all the value which is causing the violation and store that in excelsheet.


Hi Himanshu,

Nope. We don’t store the “bad” value. We have no use for it as a granular piece of data, and for some rules it would really be very difficult if not impossible.


Hi Ann,

Thanks for your response. I hope it will be available in near future like pdf reporting as in some use cases it is very helpful to have complete report in excel format.
