About Web API questions

Could anyone please address the following:

  1. We have a few thousand repositories. Do we need to create a sonar.properties file in each of those repositories to use SonarQube?
  2. Is it possible to obtain the mapping of issues to CWE in a single API call?
  3. How can I download the report in the enterprise edition as JSON or XML format via the web API?


Welcome to the community!

We try to keep it to one topic per thread. Otherwise it can get messy, fast. I’ll make a pass at these questions, but if you have followups, I reserve the right to ask you to create new threads.

Maybe not. It depends on the languages in question. For Java and C#, most of what’s needed is picked up automatically from the build environment. For the rest, you can set things that are standard across projects, like sonar.host.url in the scanner configuration and pass the rest on the analysis command line. So yes, there’s still some configuration per project, but maybe not as much…? The docs will get you started.

Ehm… it sounds like you’re interested in Security Reports, which are available starting in Enterprise Edition($$)

You’ll find the available formats are downloadable from the UI. The best way to master the API is to perform the desired action via the UI and eavesdrop to see which calls the UI made to accomplish the action.

You may also find this guide helpful.


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  1. I’m able to see the download option in the enterprise edition. We can download it as a PDF. How can we change the format from PDF to JSON or XML?


There’s no way to change the formats. If you really want JSON or XML, you’ll need to use the APIs to pull the data and generate your own reports.


You are suggesting to utilize web APIs to retrieve bugs, code smells, and vulnerabilities in order to collect the data and generate our own report. This is because there isn’t an API available to download the report directly in JSON format.

  • Ram
  1. Is there a way to retrieve CVE IDs from the SonarQube API, or do I need to install a plugin to obtain a CVE ID?


if you want reports in other formats than pdf, you may check the report plugin from bitegarden

It’s commcercial with a 14 day trial.

There’s also a free community plugin that can create reports in different formats

but it only supports the Sonarqube LTS version, not the latest version.



We don’t tie issues to CVEs.


Ann, Is there any way to obtain CVE IDs if we use any plugin?

  • Ram

Hi Ram,

We don’t tie rules/issues to CVEs. I can’t speak to what plugins might offer.



The total vulnerabilities are 26, but we’re able to see 28 vulnerabilities listed under CWE IDs 611 and 827. Could you please explain why there are 28 vulnerabilities showing here, especially when both CWE IDs 611 and 827 have the same vulnerability mapping? Why is the same vulnerability mapped to different CWEs?


I can’t. Because there aren’t.

What you’re seeing is that 2 issues map to CWE-827 and - as you’ve observed - the same two map to CWE-611. The only error here is in adding the numbers together and expecting to find 28 distinct issues. Just like a movie can be both funny and sad, an issue can map to multiple CWEs.


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Ann, If I need to deploy an enterprise edition of SonarQube via Helm charts to Kubernetes, what should I do for it? Do I need to buy a Docker image from Sonar or how can I do that? If I obtain a Docker image, can I push it to my repo? And how do I enable the license for it? Is the Docker image configured with it or not?

  • Ram

Hi Ram,

That’s an entirely different question. It deserves a different thread.
