About the version of sonarlint and sonarqube

When i was using version 8.3 sonarlint-intelliJ to bind version 9.4 sonarqube server, it reported error.So i am wondering which is the highest version of snarlint that can be used on a 9.4 sonarqube server or where list the relation about the version of sonarlint and sonarqube.

Hey there.

Since SonarQube v9.4 is an EOL version of SonarQube, we don’t keep track of compatibility for newer versions of SonarLint.

While you shouldn’t face any compatability issues with the most recent versions of SonarLint, you should upgrade to SonarQube v9.9 LTS ASAP. SonarQube v9.4 no longer receives feature, performance, or security updates.