Abap ADT - mismatch between SQ and SonarLint

  • Operating system: Windows 10 Enterprise
  • SonarLint plugin version:
  • Eclipse : 2024-09
  • Programming language you’re coding in: ABAP
  • Is connected mode used: Yes
    • Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version):
      SQ server Enterprise Edition Version 9.9.3

I want to use SonarLint in Eclipse to detect code issues at the earlier stage in ABAP development lifecycle. However I face difficulties to make it works and I miss informations about how the binding is operate between a SQ project and an Eclipse on using ADT with Sonarlint: is is by filename ? Do I need exactly the same hierarchy ?

Indeed my SQ project is using source code from abapgit, which is based on a standard file system, whereas SonarLint is using on ADT file system local storage based on semantic filesystem, which present differently the hierarchy for objects. I guess this create an inconsistency to match issues betwwen SQ server to SonarLint in the IDE. Typically issues flagged as false positive of won’t fix in SQ are still appearing in SonarLint.

Also I face instabilities with SonarLint: sometimes the local triggered analysis exclude some files it shouldn’t be excluded, like not finding it. Just having message about file filerered out as URI not user defined … And sometimes also claims about “Provider semanticfs not installed” …

Hence could you please help me with this puzzle ?
Thanks in advance !

Hello @kdefos,

We effectively look at the file path to be able to match the issues from SonarQube. Look at the SonarLint Bindings view. You should see your Eclipse projects bound to your SonarQube projects. The resolved prefix is displayed next to the Eclipse project name. This prefix is used to convert the local path to a remote path, which is required to query issues.

Also I face instabilities with SonarLint: sometimes the local triggered analysis exclude some files it shouldn’t be excluded, like not finding it. Just having message about file filerered out as URI not user defined … And sometimes also claims about “Provider semanticfs not installed” …

It would be great if you could share logs when this happens, thank you!

Hey @kdefos,

I’d like to raise your awareness to THIS thread.

It contains the limitations SonarLint for Eclipse faces with ADT. Additionally, and correctly based on what you mentioned, ADT uses the SemanticFS which is not supported on our end for all features.

This is due to it being implemented for Eclipse by SAP, if you like to have full ADT support I can simply answer that we as Sonar cannot do it as it would require a vendor specific implementation and access to SAP for development.
Please reach out to SAP directly and make them aware of this so they might, sometime in the future, would implement a third-party plug-in based plugging into SonarLint from their side for ADT.
