We have a CICD pipeline in Azure what always works with SonarCloud connection.
But, today we get the following error without changing the code:
Error while running Node.js. A supported version of Node.js is required for running the analysis of JS/TS files. Please make sure a supported version of Node.js is available in the PATH. Alternatively, you can exclude JS/TS files from your analysis using the ‘sonar.exclusions’ configuration property. See the docs for configuring the analysis environment: https://docs.sonarsource.com/sonarqube/latest/analyzing-source-code/languages/javascript-typescript-css/
Is there an update what we need to do? Or is there a bug in the connection?
Thanks for helping.
We don’t have node installed and have been getting the error message since always. However it never failed the analysis until today. Now the analysis fails and hence all builds fail.
Exactly the same problem here. I tried to add the sonar.javascript.exclusions=“” property as suggested in JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS (sonarsource.com) to skip the CSS analysis but the analysis still fails …
Could you please check if you had any warnings regarding missing node before it started failing today? Warnings like “JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS rules were not executed”?