A malicious value can be assigned to this data structure

I use “Enterprise Edition 10.7” and try to make this data structure “parametersMap.put(“doc_letter”, letter);” Don’t scan yourself as if you were vulnerable.
Apply what Sonnar recommends (sanity parameter)“data = data.replaceAll(”[\n\r]“, “_”);” , but this problem is still detected.
Are there any additional recommendations to review?
thank you!


Could you provide a screenshot that shows the suggested fix being applied and the issue still being raised?


Ann! Thank you! Below I will send you a print of the issue and Sonar’s recommendation.


I would also like to clarify that the problem only occurs with the variable ‘dataletter’ (string) because other variables of the same type do not cause the problem.

Sonar´s suggest:



Thanks for the screenshots. Unfortunately, since they’re slices out of the full picture, they’re a little difficult for me to follow.

Could you provide a full reproducer code snippet?


Here I give you the code fragment

public String getNroSerieNCobra(Integer companyId, String posId, String letter, String documentNumber, LocalDate documentDate) throws ClaroPackageFunctionException {
String dataLetter = letter;
        if(dataLetter != null) {
            dataLetter = dataLetter.replaceAll("[\n\r]", "_");
            log.info("Invocando [{}] con parametros: companyId[{}] posId[{}] letter[{}] documentNumber[{}] documentDate[{}]",
                    BUSCO_NRO_SERIE_NCOBRA, companyId, posId, dataLetter, documentNumber, documentDate);
        final SimpleJdbcCall jdbcCall = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)
        jdbcCall.addDeclaredParameter(new SqlOutParameter("v_serie", Types.VARCHAR));
        jdbcCall.addDeclaredParameter(new SqlParameter("doc_cmp_id", Types.NUMERIC));
        jdbcCall.addDeclaredParameter(new SqlParameter("doc_pos_id", Types.VARCHAR));
        jdbcCall.addDeclaredParameter(new SqlParameter("doc_letter", Types.VARCHAR));
        jdbcCall.addDeclaredParameter(new SqlParameter("nro_doc_id", Types.VARCHAR));
        jdbcCall.addDeclaredParameter(new SqlParameter("doc_document_date", Types.DATE));
        jdbcCall.addDeclaredParameter(new SqlInOutParameter(P_ERROR, Types.NUMERIC));
        Map<String, Object> parametersMap = new HashMap<>();
        parametersMap.put("doc_cmp_id", companyId);
        parametersMap.put("doc_pos_id", posId);

        parametersMap.put("doc_letter", dataLetter);
        parametersMap.put("nro_doc_id", documentNumber);
        parametersMap.put("doc_document_date", documentDate);
        parametersMap.put("v_error", null);
        Map<String, Object> result = jdbcCall.execute(parametersMap);

These are the items of the issue to associate with the previous prints and which refers to the variable letter

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Thanks for the code. I’ve flagged this for the experts.


Hello @Ricardo_Emilio_Borto,

Thanks for reporting this and for the reproducer, I am 90% sure this is a false positive on our side.

I think this is likely due to a problem in our support of org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcCall#execute(java.util.Map).

For now, you can set this as a false positive in your code, and I will internally investigate this problem.

Have a nice day!


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