A Code duplication warning doesn't link to any duplicated code


some years ago there was a discussion about this topic which I’ve seen now.

I can understand the point why the issue can’t be shown in the same way as the other issues but I can’t see why it will be so difficult to add more information to the warning? If my code contains duplicated blocks I can scroll to one of these blocks. With a double click to the grey marker I get the information where I’ll find the other block(s). Maybe it will be helpful to add these information to the warning …

Best regards,
Ralf Ebert

Hi @Ralf_Ebert,

Thank you for this feedback. We are planning to dig into how we handle code duplication and will factor your feedback into this research.

Best regards,


Hi John Clifton

Thank you for the information. Is there a way to stay informed about the research?

Best regards,

Hi @Ralf_Ebert ,

We have created a Productboard portal card for SonarCloud and SonarQube to track this research. If you vote on this or add a comment, we will notify you as we make progress.

Best regards,
