Willing to pay for help setting up first scan

This is what I am seeing. It shows the project and says passed and when you click into it it shows no code on master

Did that help at all? What other reports or screen shots can i get

The logs from your Bitbucket Pipeline where analysis occurs!

How do i navigate to those logs? I do not think this is what you wanted

I assume the little cloud symbol in the upper right of your screenshot allows you to download the logs.

It looks like your Pipeline is failing at the build step (which looks like it was copied directly from the example I shared earlier, which was just an example).

It might be good to focus on creating a Bitbucket pipeline that successfully builds your solution, and then work on integrating SonarCloud analysis (wrapping that build step with the Scanner for MSBuild.

It might also be good too try and execute SonarCloud analysis from your local machine (follwing the Scanner for MSBuild documentation) so that you have a better understanding of how all the parts fit together before trying to integrate it into Bitbucket Pipelines.

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Are you able to advise what
Replace by the actual one.

How do i generate a clean build command?

Thank you

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There was no answer for almost two years. Guys - are you ok with that???
What should we think about from your docs if it just say “replace with another one”?? Which one? What is it about? Can’t you just give an example of WHAT exaclty this new file needs?
Such a little thing and so many problems. And no answer for two years…

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