typescript:S4328 suddenly detecting internal modules

Hi @stevendarby,

about setting the paths, if you add all 64 found in the file system, your results will not change. The idea behind setting the paths is to ignore certain tsconfigs that may be used for special targets, test contents, etc… but hardly ever all of them are needed for the sonar analysis. Please check this answer I wrote to another user: SonarLint analysis slow and resource intensive for a single Typescript file - #4 by victor.diez

Although I understand that this was for you a breaking change, for some other cases it was a fix, because when many tsconfigs are present, the analyzer will have to ‘guess’ which one should be used for dependency resolution for each file, and the only way to know would be creating a TS Program for each tsconfig, which would have an impact on performance. So, in this new release, we changed that heuristic, which should make ‘most’ projects work better than the previous strategy. But making it suitable for all TS projects is a non-trivial problem, and that’s why we recommend using the TS-specific sonar properties to tweak the tsconfig resolution.
