[TSQL] Failed to Parse File containing various statements

We have encountered some more…


when the fields begin on the next line.
The parse error occurs at the SPACE between the two terms.

GROUP BY GROUPING SETS((field1), (field2), ...)

The parse error occurs at the first ( following SETS


The parse error occurs at the S in SETERROR

convert(varchar(20),convert(double precision,FieldName))

The parse error occurs at the d in double

inserted.field1 - ISNULL(deleted.field2,0.0)

as part of a MERGE.
The parse error occurs at the -

Join table1 on field1 = field2

as part of a USING in a MERGE.
The parse error occurs at the J in JOIN

OUTPUT Inserted.field1 AS 'alias1'

as part of an UPDATE.
The parse error occurs at the first '.

EXECUTE ( @sql ) AT LinkedServerName

The parse error occurs at the L in LinkedServerName


The parse error occurs at the A in AGGREGATE

LEFT JOIN  OPENQUERY(LinkedServerName, Query)

The parse error occurs at the O in OPENQUERY

PERCENTILE_CONT(.50) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY subtotal.Ratio) OVER (partition BY ...)

The parse error occurs the W in WITHIN