Hello SCM INVN Team,
How to make your custom quality gate Clean as You Code compliant without coverage:
- You can add a condition on the new code for coverage with any value of your choice including zero.
- Make sure that your custom quality gate satisfies all other conditions to be Clean as You Code-compliant.
- Now you should be able to set your custom quality gate as default.
- Only a Clean as You Code-compliant quality gate can be set as default. This change was introduced in SonarQube 9.9 LTS (not new in 10.3)
- A Clean as You Code-compliant quality gate can have any coverage target, including zero (condition should be present)
- Read more about Clean as You Code-compliant quality gate conditions here.
What changed in SonarQube 10.3?
A new Clean as You Code criteria of Zero new issues is introduced. However, this is optional. You may read about it here.