SQ 10.3 - Default Quality Gate must comply with Clean As You Code

Hello SCM INVN Team,

How to make your custom quality gate Clean as You Code compliant without coverage:

  1. You can add a condition on the new code for coverage with any value of your choice including zero.
  2. Make sure that your custom quality gate satisfies all other conditions to be Clean as You Code-compliant.
  3. Now you should be able to set your custom quality gate as default.


  • Only a Clean as You Code-compliant quality gate can be set as default. This change was introduced in SonarQube 9.9 LTS (not new in 10.3)
  • A Clean as You Code-compliant quality gate can have any coverage target, including zero (condition should be present)
  • Read more about Clean as You Code-compliant quality gate conditions here.

What changed in SonarQube 10.3?

A new Clean as You Code criteria of Zero new issues is introduced. However, this is optional. You may read about it here.