Sonnarscanner run issue

Welcome to the Community, @SonarVenkat!

Make sure you have set your JAVA_HOME variable and add it to your path.

  1. Click on Windows start button
  2. Search for “advanced system settings”
  3. Click on “View advanced system settings”
  4. Click on “Advanced” tab
  5. Click on “Environment Variables…” button
  6. In the “System variables” section, add JAVA_HOME environment variable with the name as JAVA_HOME and value as the exact path to your JDK installation, e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60
  7. In the “System variables” section, click on PATH and click on Edit... button
  8. Append %JAVA_HOME%\bin to the end of the line. You can use a ; to separate the previous paths. If you are on Windows 10, just click on “New” button and add %JAVA_HOME%\bin and click on “OK” button.
  9. Lastly, go to command prompt and confirm:
java -version
echo %JAVA_HOME%

There are many examples of this such as shown on mkyong here.
