Sonarqube 10.3 = sonar-maven required class was missing javax/servlet/Filter

Hi Gilbert,

got nerd-sniped and probably not very helpful: I widened the search a bit but still do not really technically understand the cause.

Is it something where the sq-plugin expects a dependency available via maven pom project dependencies and this is not there?

Others cleaned their local maven .m2 cache to remove possibilities of cache failures, others added dependencies to the pom.

As i (try to) understand it right now, this is caused by trying to analyze something and the specific dependencies for this analyzed source needs a specific dependency. also i think “jakarta vs javax” maybe.

sorry for the incoherent ramblings, can anyone with more knowledge maybe chime in? :innocent:

Maybe this (-X …) mentioned here could help narrow the cause? :person_shrugging: