SonarLint 10.4.2: Not showing any issue in Intellij after connected to SonarQube

Hi, I found an old thread that is quite similar to what I am facing Can’t analysis for Java code with the sonarlint plugin (intellij) linked to sonarqube - Clean Code / Report False-positive / False-negative… - Sonar Community ( but with the addition where the Quality Profile I’m using includes, SonarQube Java, Security SonarAnalyzer Java, a custom Java plugin, jDepends.

Jean-Baptiste Lievremont mentioned
It looks to me that those issues are reported by the Findbugs plugin for SonarQube, which won’t be executed by SonarLint even in connected mode - SonarLint only executes analyzers from SonarSource and custom rule plugins based on those.

How do I create custom rule plugins based on “those”, is there a documentation for this? Does those here referes to existing rules from SonarSource?