SonarCloud supports Dart 🎉


We received a couple of feedback and it’s great.

  • I confirm that you need to migrate from your old paid plan to the new Team plan to use the Dart analyzer. If you can’t right now but want to try the Dart analyzer, SonarCloud offers a 14-day trial, so you can create a new organization just for that purpose. SonarQube Cloud provides a Free Plan that supports Dart.
  • Automatic Analysis considers Dart as a supported language whereas we know that in this context (without knowledge about your dependencies), the results are not that good. We are going to deploy a fix to really exclude Dart from Automatic Analysis. You can also do it yourself by going into Administration > Analysis Method and turn off Automatic Analysis. Update 2024-09-17: the fix was deployed.
  • The SonarCloud GitHub Action doesn’t behave well with Dart projects. You can find a workaround in this post The v4 of the SonarQube GitHub Action supports Dart projects.
