Sonarcloud-github-action coverage percentage missing from sonar cloud

It looks like the scanner and the coverage report understand where these files are located very differently.


2023-09-07T05:58:27.3155600Z INFO: Creating TypeScript program (done) | time=7513ms
2023-09-07T05:58:27.3157676Z INFO: Starting analysis with current program
2023-09-07T05:58:29.8060914Z INFO: 1/155 file analyzed, current file: /github/workspace/src/model/entity/address.ts
2023-09-07T05:58:39.8072443Z INFO: 46/155 files analyzed, current file: /github/workspace/src/service/org/org.ts
2023-09-07T05:58:49.8078163Z INFO: 65/155 files analyzed, current file: /github/workspace/src/service/auth/impl/auth.ts
2023-09-07T05:58:59.8080977Z INFO: 105/155 files analyzed, current file: /github/workspace/spec/controller/attribute-standard.spec.ts
2023-09-07T05:59:06.4407785Z INFO: Analyzed 155 file(s) with current program
2023-09-07T05:59:06.4453106Z INFO: 155/155 source files have been analyzed


2023-09-07T05:59:06.4604290Z INFO: Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript]
2023-09-07T05:59:06.4609533Z INFO: Analysing [/github/workspace/coverage/]
2023-09-07T05:59:06.4731055Z WARN: Could not resolve 109 file paths in [/github/workspace/coverage/]
2023-09-07T05:59:06.4736753Z WARN: First unresolved path: /home/runner/work/users-service-auth-api/users-service-auth-api/newrelic.js (Run in DEBUG mode to get full list of unresolved paths)
2023-09-07T05:59:06.4737947Z INFO: Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript] (done) | time=13ms

What could be causing this (basically: why does your coverage report use /home/runner/work/ and not /github/workspace/. I can’t really reason why.

Two notes:

Can you try reomving this? I wonder if it’s affecting the working directory of future steps.

The latest version if this action is v2