Template for a good new topic, formatted with Markdown:
ALM used: Azure DevOps
CI system used: Azure DevOps
Scanner command used when applicable: Using task SonarCLoud Prepare (Cli Mode)
Languages of the repository: Angular
Error observed:
Apparently on October 1st, our SonarCloud organization was upgrade. The new version allowsto customize what SonarCloud understands as “New Code”
Our Gate Rules are based on Overall Code and New Code.
After this date, gates for our long term branches started to show status Not Computed. When entering the project screen, we had to manually configure the new code for the project and rescan so that the gate would be computed as passed or failed.
We changed the global Organization configuration for new code to use the same default previously used: New code = code changed in last 30 days.
Even after doing that, whenever we create a new long term branch, the “new code” inside the project is correctly configured, but the first scan always get status Not Computed. The message we see is The gate will be computed in next scan.
Steps to reproduce
Configure Organization New Code as last 30 days
In the default gate, configure rules based on overall code and new code
Create a new branch in your repo, following the rules for long term branches
analyse the project using azure devops
First analysis for the branch will generate gate status: Not Computed
How do I get SonarCloud to compute the gate on the first scan, as it used to do before October first?