Sonar scans of PR (Java)

Hi, we are using Sonarcloud also with our open source project JUnit pioneer.

There is the option, that Sonarcloud comments on a MR see Add timeout to main build (#322) by beatngu13 · Pull Request #323 · junit-pioneer/junit-pioneer · GitHub . But overall the configuration has some downsides with forks.

  1. you need to provide the token for forks, hence that you can not store it in a secret.
  2. if somebody in a fork opens a pr within this fork, you might get a comment on the main repository with an pull request with the same ID (quiet annoying, thats why we turned off this information)
  3. you can also wait for the quality gate to fail when you run a github action, so you get some kind of breaking build.

I hope this helps a little bit :slight_smile: