Sonar maven plugin fails to upload analysis with IllegalStateException: closed

I’ve tried with the -X flag but did not see anything that would point me towards the problem. The sonarcloud server seems to return an HTTP code 400:

2022-08-29T16:02:59.7755394Z [INFO] 16:02:59.414 Analysis report generated in D:\a\infinitest\infinitest\target\sonar\scanner-report
2022-08-29T16:02:59.7756138Z [DEBUG] 16:02:59.414 Upload report
2022-08-29T16:03:00.8941709Z [DEBUG] 16:03:00.885 POST 400 | time=1471ms
2022-08-29T16:03:00.8953698Z [INFO] 16:03:00.885 Closing heartbeat service
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9002470Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9003092Z [INFO] Reactor Summary for Infinitest Parent POM 5.3.2-SNAPSHOT:
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9003450Z [INFO] 
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9003869Z [INFO] Infinitest Parent POM .............................. FAILURE [01:17 min]
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9004263Z [INFO] Infinitest Runner .................................. SUCCESS [ 33.192 s]
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9004655Z [INFO] Infinitest ClassLoader ............................. SUCCESS [  0.130 s]
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9005027Z [INFO] Infinitest Lib ..................................... SUCCESS [ 28.328 s]
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9005483Z [INFO] Infinitest for IntelliJ ............................ SUCCESS [07:27 min]
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9005875Z [INFO] Infinitest Feature for Eclipse ..................... SUCCESS [  0.079 s]
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9006392Z [INFO] Infinitest Plugin for Eclipse ...................... SUCCESS [ 33.649 s]
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9007059Z [INFO] infinitest-runner-test ............................. SUCCESS [  2.389 s]
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9007626Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9007998Z [INFO] BUILD FAILURE
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9008496Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9008878Z [INFO] Total time:  10:44 min
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9009341Z [INFO] Finished at: 2022-08-29T16:03:00Z
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9009849Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9014267Z [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project infinitest-parent: closed -> [Help 1]
2022-08-29T16:03:00.9015543Z org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project infinitest-parent: closed

But before that I can see that it manages to connect (at the begining of the analysis):

2022-08-29T16:01:55.5599705Z [INFO] 16:01:55.555 Load project branches
2022-08-29T16:01:56.2765543Z [DEBUG] 16:01:56.265 GET 200 | time=710ms
2022-08-29T16:01:56.2839289Z [INFO] 16:01:56.281 Load project branches (done) | time=726ms
2022-08-29T16:01:56.2878638Z [INFO] 16:01:56.281 Check ALM binding of project 'org.infinitest:infinitest-parent'
2022-08-29T16:01:56.9680919Z [DEBUG] 16:01:56.957 GET 200 | time=676ms
2022-08-29T16:01:56.9697444Z [INFO] 16:01:56.957 Detected project binding: NOT_BOUND
2022-08-29T16:01:56.9699282Z [INFO] 16:01:56.957 Check ALM binding of project 'org.infinitest:infinitest-parent' (done) | time=676ms
2022-08-29T16:01:56.9725479Z [INFO] 16:01:56.957 Load project pull requests
2022-08-29T16:01:57.6442207Z [DEBUG] 16:01:57.629 GET 200 | time=657ms

I’ve also tried creating a new token and after the build failed I could see it had been used. I also checked I had the rights to run an analysis:

Here’s the link to the failed build, the exception stacktrace at the end is the same.
Thanks again for looking into it!