Settings set via gradle plugin not reflected in projects

I think it is the same issue. The problem isn’t in running the plugin @cammyjoe, but the fact that sonar’s plugin defers to the allprojects block. I didn’t update my post with a working solution, because I’m not looking for a working solution (I have a working solution, it’s just messy), I wanted to ask if sonar could change the design of their plugin to avoid the workaround. Like you, I also had solutions that seemed to do nothing.

For reference, here is the working solution (in kotlin)

class SonarPlugin : Plugin<Project> {
    override fun apply(project: Project): Unit = {
        if (!pluginManager.hasPlugin("org.sonarqube")) {
        tasks {
            withType<SonarQubeTask> {
                project.allprojects {
                    extensions.configure<SonarQubeExtension>() {
                        if (project.hasProperty("sonar-test")) {
                            properties {
                                property("sonar.sources", "src/test")
                                property("sonar.tests", "")
                                property("sonar.coverage.exclusions", "src/**/*")
                                property("sonar.projectName", "${project.description} Tests")
                                property("sonar.projectKey", "${}.server:${}-tests")
                        } else {
                            properties {
                                property("sonar.projectName", "${project.description}")
                                property("sonar.projectKey", "${}.server:${}")

Note that I have to defer the property setup using the project.allprojects { block, because you are forced to wait until after sonar has configured the allprojects block before you can set the properties.