Self signed certificate SonarScanner

The issue may not be in fact that the Java does not trust the certificate (with respect to who signed it), but that the certificate installed on does not pass a specific check that an underlying library uses which verifies the certificate.

As a part of the upgrade of this library (okhttp), at some point it became no longer possible to verify a certificate with the hostname only declared in the CN.

Hostnames now need to be defined as a SubjectAlternativeName in a certificate.

The certificate will need to be regenerated with the proper SubjectAlternativeName(s) and installed on the Right now it appears to be missing.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Hostname not verified:
    certificate: sha256/WZ28jhSF5NSdnStuAhC23xIbGctPIH9+JBATVbR85GM=
    subjectAltNames: []