property is only some extra information for the analysis.
But the analysis itself has to run with Java 17, when in your case it runs with Java 8 (class version 52.0)
You may use 2 Maven CLI commands like that, i.e.
this may run with Java 8 for compilation
withMaven(jdk: ..., maven: ..., globalMavenSettingsConfig: ...) {
sh 'mvn clean install'
but this has to run with Java 17 and nodejs 20 is recommended
nodejs(configId: ..., nodeJSInstallationName: 'nodejs-20') {
withSonarQubeEnv(...) {
withMaven(jdk: 'java-17-openjdk', maven: ..., globalMavenSettingsConfig: ...) {
sh 'mvn sonar:sonar'