Possible to blanket exclude file types?

Hi Colin, apologies for the delay in getting back to you on this. I’ve since added node to our project to remove this error, however I still want to blanket exclude html, cs and javascript. Unfortunately, the exclusions I’ve added don’t seem to be working.

A subset of my exclusions are the following (the rest are individual files):


And in the logs, we’re seeing things like:

11:19:15  Sensor JavaScript inside HTML analysis [javascript]
11:19:28  Detected os: Windows Server 2016 arch: amd64 alpine: false. Platform: WIN_X64
11:19:28  Using Node.js executable: 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe'.
11:20:24  1 source file to be analyzed
11:20:24  1/1 source file has been analyzed
11:20:24  > Task :sonar
11:20:24  Hit the cache for 0 out of 1
11:20:24  Miss the cache for 1 out of 1: ANALYSIS_MODE_INELIGIBLE [1/1]
11:20:24  Sensor JavaScript inside HTML analysis [javascript] (done) | time=61721ms
11:20:24  Sensor CSS Rules [javascript]
11:20:24  11 source files to be analyzed
11:20:24  11/11 source files have been analyzed
11:20:24  14 source files to be analyzed
11:20:24  14/14 source files have been analyzed
11:20:24  960 source files to be analyzed

Which to me indicates that HTML or JS files are being analysed despite the exclusions. Do you know why this might be? This post ERROR: INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s) implies that setting sonar.verbose to true prints detail of individual files being analysed ,but that’s not the case for me.