I found a good solution, so I thought I’d share:
Turns out you can
- Switch the JDK to Java 11
- But compile to a Java 8-level
java {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
This allows
- sonar to work correctly (because it needs Java 11)
- me to put off upgrading my main app to Java 11 for now
With the newer version of Sonar, I also had to set a few other properties (see this guide):
jacoco {
// We need to use a newer version of jacoco to be compatible with the Java 11+ JDK that's required for the SonarQube Analysis
toolVersion = '0.8.8'
jacocoTestReport {
// The newer version of SonarQube uses the xml report instead of the previously used exec report.
reports {
xml.enabled true
plugins.withType(JacocoPlugin) {
// This ensures that the jacocoTestReport task runs after the test tasks; the sonar analysis needs the test report.
tasks['test'].finalizedBy 'jacocoTestReport'