org.sonar.plugins.javascript.nodejs.NodeCommandException: Failed to start server

Hi Victor,

thanks for your patience and your support !
Finally i’ve found the reason and the solution.

That triggered checkin me the network connnection settings.

It seems Eclipse automatically slurps the Windows system settings.

Setting the Active Provider to either Direct or Manual works.
I choosed Direct which results in …\configuration.settings\


Now the analysis of the small testfile Person.js works as expected.

But Sonarlint Console shows

it takes 1,5 mins to deploy the bridge server
it takes another 15 secs until the 7 issues for this really small file are seen in the on-the-fly view

which is enormous.

Is it really necessary to redeploy the bridge server every time ?
It always seems to be deleted from <workspace>\.sonarlint\default when Eclipse is closed.

Wouldn’t it be sufficient to only delete when Sonarlint is updated !?
With Sonarlint for IntelliJ the test with the same small Person.js is quicker.


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Hello @Rebse,

thanks for your feedback. We are aware that the current deployment is not optimal. We have created an internal ticket to improve that.


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