Last analysis failed Analysis ID "AY0dCUW5A7E8_ujDriVH"

Hi @jfarre90

I could find that the analysis you reported failed with this error message:

Validation of project failed:
  o Date of analysis cannot be older than the date of the last known analysis on this project. Value: "2024-01-18T14:46:18+0000". Latest analysis: "2024-01-18T14:46:18+0000". It's only possible to rebuild the past in a chronological order.

Did you know that you can see for yourself this error message in the “Background Tasks” from your project?


I could find other analyses with the same issue showing up from time to time.

This issue is common, and it is the same problem described below. Please check this thread for explanations of what happened:

You mention using GitHub actions to perform the analysis, however I see the project is configured to use Automatic Analysis. Could you please clarify which is the analysis method intended for the project, if you are actually using GitHub actions to submit analyses? Thanks!

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