Jacoco.exec for maven multimodule project is not


First of all IMO creation of new threads duplicating/related to your previous unanswered threads each two days

is not at all a good behavior in open community and is not a best way to get attention of its members.

Nevertheless given the provided information from these threads, I would advice you to read following answer:

which IMO explains pretty well how JaCoCoSensor in Java SonarQube Plugin collects jacoco.exec files specified by sonar.jacoco.reportPath property and associates them with code in case of multi-module Maven projects.

And additionally to pay attention that JaCoCo XML Report Importer refers to another sensor - to recently released GitHub - SonarSource/sonar-jacoco: SonarQube JaCoCo Plugin that instead of exec files reads XML file(s) specified by sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths. But the rest of mechanics remain the same - SonarQube performs analysis of one module after another, during which one sensor reads XML file(s) and another sensor reads exec file(s) specified in corresponding property of corresponding module, and associates coverage data from these file(s) with source files in this module.

If all the above doesn’t help, and given that

while this works for others, I would highly advise you to reconsider approach and instead of questions provide complete example of project and its configuration to clearly demonstrate your difficulty. Because unlikely that someone can blindly correctly guess what is wrong based on the information that you provide so far. And here is example of how concrete complete examples are useful and helpful - No Coverage despite unit tests on an open source project - #2 by Godin


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