How do I prevent the Gradle sonarqube task from running tests?

'ello :wave: 2021 is calling :innocent:

on a more serious note … we are actually experiencing this, too … i am currently challenging our build engineers with what i need to upgrade SonarQube from 8.9 (java11 optional) to 9.x (java11 mandatory)

The documentation here explains a (Jenkins) way for maven (but not for gradle) and the challenges mentioned here in this thread surface in our builds. (the gradle task dependencies, even optimized already, need some -x administration)

If anything, would it maybe be possible to address the documentation of working ways for both tools (maven + gradle) in the beforementioned existing docs? :pray:

it would be nice to be able to use that as a reference for ppl asking :+1:

(for reference: here you can find a newer episode of the same)