Have build --force comand in Run build task but still sonarqube is giving error


Indeed, your analysis fails due to not enough memory available in the system. How large (lines of code) is the project you are trying to scan? This will help answering the question of what should be the required memory for the scanner.

2021-01-19T14:49:22.3574202Z INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2021-01-19T14:49:22.3575087Z INFO: EXECUTION FAILURE
2021-01-19T14:49:22.3577267Z INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2021-01-19T14:49:22.3577729Z INFO: Total time: 15:29.719s
2021-01-19T14:49:22.8534301Z INFO: Final Memory: 13M/54M
2021-01-19T14:49:22.8535331Z INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Can you try adding this environment variable : SONAR_SCANNER_OPTS with this kind of value :
-Xmx512M (or higher)

in order to increase your heap space, which appears to be 54MB. Look at this thread in the community.
