Error after analysis - NoClassDefFoundError: ch/qos/logback/classic/spi/ThrowableProxy

A post was split to a new topic: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/sonar/plugins/java/api/CheckRegistrar

Hello everyone,
We have a java custom rules plugin that works from 8.9 till all the way to version 10.4 but from 10.5 the custom rules are stopped being reported. Can I consider the root cause of my issue is this issue. Please advise.

@qwert Probably not. I suggest creating a new thread.

I found the issue to be Administration β†’ Performance β†’ Analyzers loading optimization which need to be disabled.

Was it made true by default for 10.5 ?

I did not have any issues until 10.4 (From 8.9). Why am I seeing this issue now ?
Is this documented ?


Yes, this was introduced in 10.4, off by default, and turned on by default in 10.5.

We gave notice to the maintainers of plugins in the Marketplace, with 10.4 so they’d have time to update before 10.5. This thread may be helpful.
